
Hearts of iron 4 blackice
Hearts of iron 4 blackice

hearts of iron 4 blackice

Up to 10 support companies in a division instead of 5. And in real life, leaders had to worry about a lot of different equipment.Q: Why I can't research any tanks and/or airplanes and/or ships?A: The nation you're playing has it's own, unique tree for that equipment.Q: Can I research/build/use unique tanks and/or airplanes and/or ships of other countries?A: No you can't, if you get unique tanks/planes/ships from other countries you won't be able to use them either. Instead, they reduce production cost of associated equipment.Q: Does building special factory reduce equipment cost of linked type?A: Yes.Q: What is the max level of bonus for special factories?A: 20 is the last level.Q: Why is there so many different kinds of equipments?A: BICE is a mod of much complexity aiming to make gameplay as close to real life as possible. Q: Can special factories build only one type of equipment?A: No.

hearts of iron 4 blackice

I also count on community to help with finding information.This is my first ever guide, so please bear with me during working on it.:). Hello everyone.Goal of this mod is to explain how Black Ice for Hearts of Iron IV works and how to use it's features.This mod won't tell you what to build and what to focus on with every country.Since there is no official manual and a lot of things miss description, a lot of things are still unknown and this guide will be filled as my knowledge of BICE increases. The mod is aimed to make HOI3 a better simulation of what the WW2 was.

hearts of iron 4 blackice

“Hearts of Iron 4 wields complexity like a swift armor division during the blitzkrieg, allowing it to serve the idea of layered, cerebral, strategic warfare instead of letting it needlessly bog down the experience.”. What does Black ICE add to HOI3?.Over 4,000 immersive events and decisions.100+ unique technologies to research.400+ unique units (including SS and Soviet Guards).Completely new artwork and sound effects. Black ICE is a major overhaul of Hearts Of Iron 3, The Grand World War II Strategy game by Paradox Interactive.

Hearts of iron 4 blackice